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-:I/O Controller:-

Alternatively referred to as an input/output interface, IOC, or PIOC for Peripheral input/output controller. The input/output controller is a device that interfaces between an input or output device and the computer or hardware device. The input/output controller on a computer is commonly located on the motherboard. However, an I/O controller can also be an internal add-on that can either be used as a replacement or to allow for additional input or output devices for the computer.

This chip looks after the basic input/output connectors at the rear of the motherboard, such as the keyboard port, mouse port, joystick ports, serial port and printer port. It can handle the wake-up on keyboard/mouse function. It also, supports legacy interfaces like a floppy disk controller.

You'll notice the various cooling fan connectors on the board. This chip can control the speed and monitor those fans. In the event of a fan failing, the chip can signal the system to alert the user to the problem. The exact functions can be re-configured, as needed, in the BIOS.